Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some recent favorites.

Here are some miscellaneous pictures from my back yard from the last couple of weeks. Even though there hasn't really been any creatures out of the ordinary lately, I still enjoy watching and capturing life flourishing in my little neck of the woods.

On the left, a nuthatch keeps a watchful eye of the the ground from a suet cage. On the right, a squirrel finds a comfortable place to scope out the area.

The frontal markings of the Northern Flicker are just spectacular. I believe this is a juvenile.

It has taken a while for the bark butter feeder to gain popularity. This Junco decided to try something different from it's usual ground feeding. This little Bewick's Wren is a daily visitor. He seems to prefer my hanging platform feeder.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Red -Breasted Nuthatch

We only have a couple of these little Nuthatches but they are regular back yard visitors.

Interesting behaivors and a lot of fun to watch.

Nuthatch checking out the Nyjer seed.

Nuthatches are year around residents in Oregon.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch

So so very cute. They love nut suet.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


 My constant back yard birds and I love them.

 This is a beautiful little bird.

 They don't often eat from the feeder but seem to prefer ground feeding.

They also seem to enjoy all kinds of seed and suet. Junco's even eat stale cornbread and other kitchen leftovers.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scrub Jay


Beautiful color and how about that white eye brow. 

Scrub Jay eating cracked corn. 

Fun birds to watch. Jay hiding some cracked corn for later just in case we run out. 

Beautiful Scrub Jay! 

View of tail feathers

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday- Favorite Pictures

This was just beginners luck spotting this Hawk on my back fence. I keep scanning the fence and trees but haven't seen another Hawk so far.The Starling's are very entertaining. Click on the picture to see the facial expression of the Starling and the Pine Siskins.I love the eye of the Dove and the shadow in the puddle. The Bewick's Wren is so darn cute in actions and appearance. The last picture of the baby Pine Siskin just, melts my heart. Please leave a comment.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Black-capped Chickadee

 This darling little Chickadee is a regular in our backyard but very hard to photograph.

 So precious and cute, Black-capped Chickadee.

This little bird is in constant motion. 

Black-capped Chickadee stops for a brief rest.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Golden-crowned Sparrow

 This Golden-crowned Sparrow is a new visitor but, only stays for short time.

In the winter the crown is very light in color. Oregon (male) Junco on the left. 

Golden-crown Sparrow

Friday, February 10, 2012

House Finch

 Female( top left) and male House Finch. From my experience these Finches are very elusive. 

These pictures are from a distance. They perch in my neighbor's yard and look into my yard. 

I was thinking this was a Purple Finch but not so. It has a dark crown.
Female (top left) Male( bottom)

Not a good picture, one of the few visits to my yard.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bewick's Wren

 Another new bird in our yard. Bewick's Wren trying out my new butter bark feeder.

Such a cute little guy, bouncing from feeder to feeder and checking out all the bushes. 

This is a very enjoyable bird to watch, almost never stops. 

It hangs out around the brush pile that I made for the birds. It's always solo. Where are all the other Wren's?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mourning Dove

Lovey Dovey 

So beautiful. He/she getting a drink from the puddle.

 The Mourning Doves are regular visitors to our yard. They are so calming and peaceful.

Check out the camouflage!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

American Robin

We haven't had any rain for quite awhile and a cold wind has blown for days.thus, all of the birds are thirsty. Another beautiful and very common back yard bird. 

American Robin 

 What a barrel chest they have. They usually stay in the corner of the yard looking for worms and bugs.

 Male, American Robin

Vivid color on the right also the white around the eye. 

Starling and 4 American Robins 

American Robin, back view. 

 Looking for worms. They can really kick up the soil.

We have seen some pretty big flocks of around 20 birds.