Sunday, January 29, 2012

Scrub Jay, Lesser Gold Finch and more

A burst of color, Scrub Jay's. We have a couple of pairs that show up on a daily basis. I think, these Jay's are a little different than the ones we had in California. They don't seem to be as aggressive. I don't know if this is possible but it seems so from my observations.

 Scrub Jay again, notice that no other birds are around. These Jay's seem to scare them off.

The Lesser Goldfinch arrive in very small flocks. They don't ever really sit still while in the yard and so there is some blur in the photos.

 The Lesser Goldfinch are also smaller than they would appear in these photos.

Lesser Goldfinch again from the side

 Song Sparrow


A movie for birders: The Big Year

Rating: PG · Run time: 1 hrs 40 min · Release date: 10/14/2011

Genre: Comedy

Synopsis: Three disparate men, each facing unique personal challenges, try to outdo each other in the ultimate bird-watching competition in 1998 -- the year El Nino brought an unprecedented number of species to North America. Their quest takes them on an unforgettable trek throughout North America.

The reviews for this movie were pretty mixed but I thought that it was a smart and lighthearted comedy that portrays male friendship in a healthy and mature way. I think even people that aren't into birds will find it entertaining. A must see for all birders. I loved it.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mystery bird, Nuthatch, bird in a bowl

I have been trying to catch a glimpse of these Red Breasted Nuthatch's for a while now. 

 The Red Breasted Nuthatch is always on the move but this one decided to stop on a suet feeder for a quick bite to eat.

 I saw this little Sparrow sitting in this squirrel feeding bowl and thought it would make a nice picture.

 I think this may be some type of racing Pigeon. It was perched on the top of my Jeep. It was so beautiful. It watched us as we watched it. It didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave.

What a beauty!

If you look closely you can see a identification band around each leg. I would love to know about bird tags.Last winter we found a dead Pine Siskin in our yard and it had a identification band on one of it's legs. It turned out to be from the USGS. Apparently they were tracking migration patterns and were surprised the Pine Siskin was in Gresham, Oregon. Pine Siskin is one of our most common backyard birds so I don't Know? Maybe it was because of where that particular bird originated?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Downy Woodpecker

This is only the second time I have seen a little Downy in my yard. I was surprised the pictures turned out as good as they did. This is a busy little Woodpecker. It moved up and down the branches and then it was gone.  

 Red, black and white is a beautiful color combination.

It was a slow bird day and suddenly this little Downy appeared. The view didn't last long though, as moments later a Hawk flew through the yard. 
Downy Woodpecker

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Northern Flicker, House Sparrow

Northern Flicker at our homemade suet. I think it's a hit!The Flickers have become a regular visitors.

Northern Flicker 

House Sparrow

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Song Sparrow,Northern Flicker,Varied Thrush

 This little Song Sparrow has been staying in my yard for about 2 weeks. It is so cute, I just love it.
 These Northern Flickers are very striking. I haven't got a good picture of the front crescent marking. I can hear them before I see them in the trees. They seem to announce their presence.
Varied Thrush 
Varied Thrush
 How cute is this squirrel in the bowl. (makeshift feeder)
Starling enjoying pepper berry suet.
Beautiful Northern Flicker looking for something to peck on.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cooper's Hawk

I saw this hawk perched on my back fence and quickly tried to snap some photos. Fortunately this image turned out well enough to see what I believe is a Cooper's Hawk.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Starling and Junco....First Post

We sometimes have around 10 Starling's squabbling over the suet feeders.
A Junco Poses during a light snow shower.

This Starling is checking out some bird seed and peanut butter loaded pinecones.